AWCA logo by Diana Hiiesalu

AWCA logo by Diana Hiiesalu

AWCA -- American Working Collie Association


The American Working Collie Association is dedicated to promoting the working ability of the Collie. Originally bred as a working stock dog, the Collie developed a wide range of talents. The Versatility Program recognizes Collies that have proven their competence as versatile working dogs. Members receive the AWCA newsletter Collie Connection and are eligible to participate in the Versatility Program. AWCA also offers working titles for collies.

Happy Collie-Days!






Collie Health Foundation
Please visit the Collie Health Foundation website to learn about possible health problems in our breed and tests that are available.


Direct comments and questions to AWCA Secretary

All images, articles and materials are copyrighted by the American Working Collie Association and cannot be used without express permission of AWCA.